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New Membership Benefits
VJJA Legislative Victory
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Juvenile Justice professionals are encouraged to send contributions for consideration for inclusion in this publication. We also accept paid advertisements from businesses and organizations. The deadline for the Spring 2007 issue is April 10. Submissions should be e-mailed to our Editor at: advocateeditor@vjja.org

Spring 2007


By: Samantha Higgins
Director of Membership



Dues Increase Official

At the VJJA Board of Director’s meeting on September 15, 2006, a dues increase was proposed. After much discussion about the lack of an increase for over 20 years and the increasing expenses of the Association, the proposal passed a by a unanimous vote. VJJA bylaws require that a dues increase be presented to and voted on by the membership.  In April, the membership voted and now the dues increase is official!

This means that for the 2007-2008 membership year beginning July 1, 2007 annual dues are $20. This is a five dollar increase, less than a penny a day! For those of you who are thinking, “Whoa! Five more bucks a year?” you must keep in mind that we have not kept up with the rising costs of training, postage, printing services, supplies and general operating expenses. Also remember that 25% of each member’s dues are returned to their respective District. This money is used by the Districts to provide free and local training to the members. So, we are getting a lot of bang for our extra five bucks.

For those of you who have paid your membership dues a year or two in advance, your dues will be “grandfathered in”. However, effective immediately dues paid in advance at the $15 rate will no longer being accepted. The membership applications and the website already reflect the increase for the new membership year. The partial year dues will remain $10 from now until June 30, 2007. An official decision on partial year dues for January to June of 2008 has not been decided.

*           *           *           *           *           *           *

The current membership is, may I have a drum roll please…992! We are just a few short of our goal of maintaining 1000 members. Can we get there by the end of the membership year? I know we will! Really, we will. The Blue Ridge district is going to put us over the top, as they are in the midst of a membership drive and taking registrations for a one day gang training in Salem, VA. Go Blue Ridge!

A shout out also needs to go to the Tidewater District for a successful Spring Training Conference! A special thanks to Robin Bailey for all of her hard work and making it a top-notch event. At least forty-four members either renewed or joined this quarter as a result of Tidewater District events.

The membership by district is as follows:

































We are at 96% of last year’s membership, with 35% of the 992 being new members. Unfortunately, 38% percent of the 2005-2006 membership chose not to renew.

Our membership totals also include 10 life-time members and nine courtesy members. The courtesy members are our Association’s founding members. Life-time members are those nominated and approved by the Board of Directors, and who have significantly contributed to the growth and professionalism of the Association and have dedicated their careers to the service of children and families. (The nomination process and criteria for life-time membership is managed by the Awards Committee.)

The “Members in the Spotlight” segment will soon be up and running. Please send in your announcements regarding accomplishments, promotions, marriages, births, plans for retirement, graduations, career changes and anything else you would like to share with your fellow members and friends. 

Don’t forget to send in any updates to your e-mail or mailing addresses, and please don’t forget that renewal time is just around the corner! Renewal notices will be coming out soon, but if you would like to save little ole me some time and postage, the 2007-08 applications and renewal forms are available at www.vjja.org.

(Samantha Higgins is employed by the 25th District Court Service Unit in
Lexington. In addiiton to serving as VJJA's Director of Membership, she
also serves as Valley District Chair).


The opinions expressed in the Advocate are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the members or the Board of Directors.

a publication of the Virginia Juvenile Justice Association (VJJA)
PO Box 1336 , Staunton, VA 24402 | 540.245 - 5315 ex. 123 | advocateeditor@vjja.org