The Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies (VSIAS), Looking Forward: Building Resilience, Supporting Recovery, and Treating Trauma, will take place on June 16 - June 20, 2008, on the campus of the College of William and Mary, in Williamsburg. The Institute, which is in its seventh year, attracted more than 1000 professionals in 2007. Featured tracks include: trauma theory, trauma practice, recovery, adolescents, gender specific, prevention, and criminal justice. Workshops include: Building Resilience, Supporting Recovery and Treating Trauma in Adolescents, An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing, Reaching Hard to Reach Youth without Destroying Them in the Process, What About the Girls? Creating Gender-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Services, and Ten Science Based Principles of Changing Behavior. Also, a special course, “Substance Abuse and Society,” will be offered for graduate-level credit hours and will meet LPC education requirements. Event sponsors include the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS), and the Mid-Atlantic Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-Atlantic ATTC - funded by SAMHSA), the Substance Abuse Certification Alliance of Virginia (SACAVA), the Virginia Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (VAADAC), and the Virginia Association of Drug and Alcohol Programs (VADAP). To learn more visit: