May 2-4, 2009
Coalition of Juvenile Justice Annual National Conference
“Unlocking the Future of Juvenile Justice” Arlington, VA
May 13, 3009
VJJA Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2009
Professional Development Event Sponsored
by the Tidewater District Chapter of VJJA
"Assisting Victims and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)"
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (lunch included)
Chesapeake Main Library, 298 Cedar Road, Chesapeake
June 26, 2009
Professional Development Event Sponsored
by the Capital District Chapter of VJJA
"Juveniles in the Adult System: Is It Working?"
Henrico Training Center, 7701 E. Parham Road, Henrico
July 19-26, 2009
Probation, Parole and Community Supervision Week
September 1, 2009
Happy 34th Birthday to the VJJA Advocate!
October - TBA
2009 Restorative Justice Annual Conference
November 3 , 2009
VJJA Board of Directors Meeting
November 4-6, 2009
VJJA's 33rd Fall Juvenile Justice Institute
Government Meetings
Commonwealth Calendar is designed as a bulletin board for announcing official government meetings open to the public. Any organization that is planning a meeting open to the public may have its meeting listed by selecting the "Announce A Meeting" link, providing a User ID and Password, and filling in the appropriate information fields.
The Town Hall includes all public meetings addressing regulatory policy, including public hearings on proposed regulations.