
VA Spirit of Youth
Award Winner


Views from the Ledge
Beth's Blog
Just Us
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Colleague Spotlight
The Advocate Travels
Juv Justice in the News
Suggested Resources
Upcoming Training & Other Events
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Board and District News
Career Corner
Letters to the Editor


PP&CS Wk Lottery
JJDP Act Update
Congressional Briefing
Foster Care - Part I
VJJA on You Tube!
Best Comm for Youth
NCG 15 Yrs
32nd Fall Institute
Award Nominations
VJJA Scholarships
Rest Justice Conf
New VCU Program
Funding For Research

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Call for Presenters
Youth Are Not Adults
Girl Trouble Film
Volunteer with VJJA
13th Law Conference
Incarcerated Mothers
Nat. Judicial Conference
CJJ Conf in DC
Harrell Retires
Cradle to Prison
Indig.Defense Network
2nd DMC Conference
Inst. for Addict. Studies
Seminar: Using Medicaid
New JJ Blog
Ctr For JJ Reform
SDFSCA Grant Program
Public Opinion Survey
Teen Drug Use Declines
Online Course in Ethics
C4YJ Hits Radio Waves
Research on Mentors


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Juvenile Justice professionals are encouraged to send contributions for consideration for inclusion in this publication. We also accept paid advertisements from businesses and organizations. The deadline for the Fall 8 issue is September 1. Submissions should be e-mailed
to our Editor at: advocateeditor@vjja.org


Summer 2008

VA Localities Named in 100 Best
for Young People

The 100 Best Communities for Young People is an annual competition which recognizes outstanding community-wide efforts that improve the well-being of youth. The competition also inspires other localities to take action to ensure they’re meeting the challenges facing their young people.  The 100 Best competition asks communities across the country to assess their challenges and work effectively together for young people, and share best practices. The competition allows the America’s Promise Alliance to: Recognize community-based efforts to deliver the Five Promises, Build awareness of the essential resources children need, Demonstrate the critical importance of partnership collaboration, Motivate local leaders to work together for measurable change, Encourage turning community pride into actionable results, Challenge all communities to become great places to grow up and provide ways for communities to share successful strategies through regional forums.  The communities selected as 100 Best winners range from large urban cities to small rural towns. Winning communities are chosen because they found innovative ways to solve problems that will improve the lives of children and young people through the power of the Five Promises. The 100 Best winners also demonstrate a willingness to work together within their communities to make a difference.  Five Virginia localities, Newport News, Hampton, Chesterfield, Hanover County, and Bristol made the list.  Chesterfield, Hampton and Newport News have been selected for the designation three years in a row. 

Learn more at: www.americaspromise.org/APAPage.aspx?id=5922

The opinions expressed in the Advocate are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the members or the Board of Directors.

is a quarterly publication of the Virginia Juvenile Justice Association (VJJA) - www.VJJA.org
Direct correspondence and questions to: Gary Conway, Editor in Chief, c/o 25th District Court
Service Unit, PO Box 1336, Staunton, VA 24402 | 540.245.5315 ext. 123 | advocateeditor@vjja.org